Friday, July 24, 2009

Peace Be Still

"Be Still and Know the I am God..." - Psalm 46:10
We had a bad experience last night with a local business. I prayed as I sat through the remainder of the evening praying that I would do what Jesus would want me to do during the situation. As it is still lying heavily on my heart, I am still praying about it, knowing He will lead me in the right direction. If you wonder why I am mentioning this, it is because last night's event really played a role in this blog. You see, most often, these devotionals are written as they are revealed to me throughout the day from God. However, once last night occurred, the only thought in my mind was "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord"! Yes, way too extreme! I really prayed for the Lord to place something on my heart for today and received this Bible verse.
Now, I will grant you that I am a very busy little girl and my time is valuable to me. I suppose that is why this verse spoke to me. In all the hustle and bustle, then with an added stress on top, I just need to slow down and remember the Peace that comes only from God. We need to savour this Peace for it is the only true Peace there is on Earth. Then the later part of the verse - Be Still. How often do we just run around in circles when the Lord is telling us, "Be still child". The the ending of that phrase - Know that I am God! What a reminder that we all need sometimes. He is God. There is nothing too big, too little for Him to handle.
I know many times I try to work things out on my own and just seem more and more covered up by a load of never-ending work. However, when I hand it over to God, it seems to all fall into place! I may not be the perfect nurse, scrapbooker, or even mommy, but in the eyes of my God, I am awesome, fearfully and wonderfully made! Sometimes it takes those "Peace Be Still Moments" for me to remember that :o) Have a wonderfully blessed day!

God Bless You,

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